
Welcome to our Bookshelf!
Here, you'll find a repository of reports and resources focused on Creative Youth Development (CYD) and the wholistic well-being of young people. Our collection spans a wide range of materials, including academic research, policy documents, practice guides, and case studies. Explore our collection to discover the latest trends, best practices, and innovative approaches to promoting young people's well-being and creative development. 

Why is this important?
Though the Creative Youth Development field is rooted in the freedom movements of the last century, its practices, scope, and history have only been chronicled in fragments. In addition, it is very loosely connected nationally, so there has been limited exchange of knowledge and practice. Despite this, there are remarkable similarities across all-sized CYD organizations in all-sized communities. 

We’ve gathered resources that articulate CYD’s unique characteristics and intersection with other youth-oriented cross-sector fields. We aim for this virtual bookshelf to provide the necessary information and background for CYD and non-CYD researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and advocates to inform and enhance your work.

Producing Wellbeing: Music-Based Creative Youth Development’s Approaches to Youth-Led Workforce Development. The Lewis Prize for Music. Brown, A. and Ibarra, E. (2024)

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Creating an Equitable, Resilient Workforce System: New Ideas for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. National Skills Coalition. (2023)

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Financial Well-Being and Wealth Building for Opportunity Youth. Swigert, M. & Miles, M. (2022). Forum for Community Solutions, Aspen Institute.

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Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund Endorse the Creative Workforce Investment Act. Americans for the Arts & Arts Action Fund. (n.d.).

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Improving Services and Outcomes for Diverse Populations in America’s Workforce Development System: Recommendations from the Workforce Transformation Policy Council. Jobs for the Future & Workforce Transformation Policy Council (2023, November 15)

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A United Vision for a World Without Youth Prisons. No Kids in Prison. (2019).

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From Advocate Art to Work of Real Value. Tara Lynn Gray. (2023, November 30). California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA).

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Creative Work Investment Act. Leger Fernandez, Teresa. (2024).

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Wellness in Eight Dimensions. Swarbrick, Peggy & Yudof, Jay. (2015). Collaborative Support Programs of NJ, Inc.

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Investing in Young People's Well-Being: A Primer for Grantmakers and Other Stakeholders. Youth Transition Funders Group. (2021).

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