Our Priorities

Creative Youth Development (CYD) is intrinsically cross-sector work that represents its commitment to the well-being and agency of young people through creative activities. The field is significantly devoted to providing safe spaces to nurture young people’s talent, strength, and initiative to tackle challenges, instigate change, and offer solutions.

Given this commitment, we have identified key priorities to direct our collective efforts and resources.

Social Connection & Mental Health

CYD emphasizes the cultivation of social connections and mental well-being. Through mentorship, peer relationships, and community-driven art projects, young people build resilience, confidence, and the ability to manage life's complexities.

Workforce Development & Career Pathways

Beyond job skills, CYD programs equip young people with the platforms to navigate their own career paths. CYD’s artistic framework fosters transferable employment and entrepreneurial skills that enable youth to shape their professional futures and contribute to their communities.

Youth Organizing & Movement Building

CYD energizes young people as architects of community change. Its youth-led practices and training support young people in shaping their surroundings and addressing challenges that impact them most, from advocating for safer streets to influencing systemic changes.

Community Development & Creative Placemaking

From murals to festivals to public space activation, CYD practices positively impact housing, transportation, safety, access to essential services, and the overall vibrancy of communities. CYD intrinsically links cultural identity, community well-being, and creative expression.